
You're In Space And Everything's Fucked

Created by Dinoberry Press

A terrifying tribute to sci-fi horror in the form of a visceral no-prep TTRPG. Please note that due to fluctuating shipping costs around the world, shipping will be charged at a later date closer to fulfillment.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books are here, charging shipping tomorrow!
5 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 12:50:57 PM

Shipping charge 4-5pm PST tomorrow!

The BackerKit crew is closed for the rest of the year starting on Friday, so we're bringing shipping charges forward by a day so we can get started. Everyone should have already received a message from BackerKit, but I wanted to let you know directly as well.

Make sure your shipping address is correct!

If you're uncertain, you can head here and enter your e-mail to get your link:

Books are here, and they look amazing!

I mean just check these bad boys out:

That's all for now! We're very excited to start boxing stuff up and sending things out :)


Books arriving soon, addresses locked, and ETA for charging shipping!
5 months ago – Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 06:49:24 AM

Good morning, Space Squad! Quick update for you today.

Book update

The books are set to arrive MONDAY! (They were supposed to arrive on the 15th, but didn't 😩). Everything else is ready to go, so once books arrive we're gonna start prepping fulfillment and share some pics with y'all~

Locking addresses

As we prep to ship, it's time to lock survey addresses! Everyone who's submitted their survey should receive an e-mail notifying them of the address lock. If you need to make any changes, you'll have 48 hours to do so! 

After that, you'll need to e-mail us (hello(at) to get it changed.

Shipping charges

Like I've mentioned before, shipping is getting charged on its own to ensure the fees are accurate and nobody is getting over (or under) charged. This keeps us from running into financial trouble, and keeps y'all from paying way too much.

Provided the books arrive on time, our goal is to charge for shipping on Friday the 22nd.

There will be additional e-mails that go out ahead of that charge, specifically from BackerKit. If this date changes due to any shipping delays, I'll let you know here!

And that's all for this update~ As always, you should check out our discord :)

Thanks for your patience & support as we near the end of this project!


End-of-November update - Found Transmissions progress, still waiting on books!
5 months ago – Sat, Dec 02, 2023 at 01:56:08 PM

Greetings, Space Squad! Hope everyone who celebrates had a great holiday~ We've been hard at work on Found Transmissions, the stretch goal expansion zine that had a bunch of awesome stuff unlocked thanks to your support.

Oh, wait, did I say zine? Yeah, about that...

Found Transmissions got big

Like, "can't actually be a zine" big. Found Transmissions grew from an expected 40 pages to over 70, and it's filled with awesome adventures and extra goodies for your extremely good and safe times in space. Because it's gotten so big, it's actually getting upgraded from a staple-bound zine to a perfect-bound softcover!

This means production's gonna take a bit more time as we continue and get things updated for the new format, but trust me when I say it's gonna kick even more ass now and it'll be well worth it.

To tide you over, here's a little peak at what's inside:

But what about the books?

They're still on the way! Right now they're somewhere on a boat in the ocean, but they should be in our hands within a few more weeks. Please keep in mind that we're in the middle of the holidays for most people in the states, and shipping can be very hard to predict.

We're gonna get fulfillment going as soon as we can, but we can't place an exact date on it until the books are in our hands, and that's a little in flux right now given the time of year.

What else is going on?

Aside from this spacey goodness, we've been wrapping up a few other projects and starting to prep for next year! Jam's solo journaling game about staying at a paranormal hotel and making connections with the wonderful monsters on the guest list, Motel Spooky-Nine, is also almost done!

Pre-orders for the amazing print edition are ending soon, so go check it out!

As for next year's projects, you should sign up for our newsletter to be among the first to hear about it! For now, here's a little hint:

That's all for this update!

Thank you all again for the support on this project and your patience as we work towards the finish line on what's been our biggest, most-involved release yet.  If you've enjoyed this project, make sure you rate it 5 stars on Itch and tell your friends about it! Every 5-star rating, share, and comment on the page helps people find it, and post-release is one of the hardest times to get new eyes on a game.

And, of course, make sure to join our discord!

See you star-side!


October update - waiting on books
6 months ago – Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 11:15:35 AM

Greetings and happy spooky season, Space Squad! Nevyn here with the end-of-October update for you.

Books are still in production, and are expected to arrive mid-December. Depending on when they arrive, we'll try to get as much as possible shipped out before the end of the year, but fulfillment will likely roll over into January due to the holidays.

In the meantime, we've been hard at work on other projects and gearing up for the next year! We're nearly finished with Jam's game Motel Spooky-Nine, a mature solo journaling game about exploring a paranormal motel and making connections (romantic or otherwise) with its monstrous visitors. You can read our latest update here!

We also finished & published a new version of Sin Posadas' Hark! Says the Frog Magus. Print versions of this system-agnostic dungeon adventure of amphibious whimsy are available on our shop. We're really proud of this one.

That's all for now! Be sure to join our discord for more Insider Info and progress updates!


Production update!
7 months ago – Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 10:57:18 AM

Hey there, space squad! Nevyn here with a quick (and exciting) update for you! update~

Physical editions are in production!

We hit a few delays in the production process, but we just received & approved our proof sheets, so the books are officially in the "getting made" step. We've ended up lining up with a holiday where the print shops are, so all told the books are estimated to be in our hands mid-december. I know that's later than our estimated fulfillment time, but that's just how things shake out sometimes.

For those who aren't familiar, a proof sheet is a physical print of a few pages from the book. They're printed with the same paper, coating, and other options as the final so they're the best way to make sure things are going to turn out how you want. It always causes an extra couple weeks of delay, but they're a must for projects of this scale and they're well worth the wait.

I mean, look at how awesome the covers are gonna be:

This is our first time doing foiling, and it looks AWESOME!

Shipping updates:

Despite the delay in production, our goal is still to have these in your hands this year. As I mentioned, the books are estimated to arrive mid-December (barring any further delays). As a reminder, shipping will be charged once we're ready to ship books out. This ensures nobody's paying more than they need to for shipment, including us. Since US shipping costs don't go back down until February or March (after the holidays), there's no real point in delaying delivery further.

Once the books arrive, we'll give everyone notice 1 week before we charge shipping. That'll be enough time for you to make one final address update in the event you've moved.

That's all for this update! As a reminder, you can join our discord to hang out and get smaller updates on what we've got cookin'~

As a treat for making it to the end, check out the other physical goodies finally arrived: the balms & dice!

See you star-side!
